Control Room as a service? How plannable are your investments for Command and Control Centres?

Particularly in dynamic and unpredictable economic times, questions are increasingly being asked about the need for new or replacement investment. The financing of an extensive acquisition requires a corresponding ability to service the capital, which again is based on assumptions of future earnings. Put more simply, the higher the investment and economic uncertainty, the [...]

Knürr® Consoles als Barco UniSee® Ecosystem-Partner

As a control center dispatcher, how to never lose track in critical situations. In control rooms and situation centers, large-screen displays serve as both primary and secondary information surfaces - each according to the individual task situation. Optimal ergonomic and safe positioning of these displays, as well as the possibility of modular expansion at [...]

More concentration in safety-critical working areas through sound optimization

Every work area is associated with a certain level of noise pollution, which impairs concentration, hinders communication and occasionally even makes people ill. We offer the appropriate sound optimization for this. However, this restrictive noise is difficult to define objectively, because every employee reacts subjectively to it. The degree of annoyance is also related [...]

Leasing as a financing alternative for 24/7 control room and equipment

Since 2013, leasing investments in Germany have been steadily increasing, reaching a total value of almost 70 billion euros in 2018. It is probably not surprising that the largest share is accounted for by equipment leasing. But real estate leasing and hire-purchase are also gradually increasing, with the share of leasing in overall economic [...]

Surfaces with Nanotechnology

The novel material for table top surfaces is super matt, leaves no fingerprints and feels haptic very warm and soft. Thanks to a new generation of thermoplastic resins, the new surface provides a particularly soft feel. The irregular surface topography has consequently a very low light reflectivity (a surface specular reflectance of 1.5 at 60°) [...]

Anti-collision protection

Perfect Protection enabled by Anti-Collision Technology. Discover a new dimension of collision protection for height-adjustable control station desks! Piezo-sensory collision protection: The electric motor operated lifting columns of modern control stations provide great lifting power forces up to several kilo newton. Previous protection systems only recognized solid obstacles or mechanical overloads. Our new, hardware [...]

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